CCA St Francis Award

CCA St Francis Award

  The presentation of the inaugural St Francis Award by Catholic Concern for Animals was made to Joyce D’Silva at the CCA Retreat at Holland House earlier this week. Joyce who is currently the Ambassador for Compassion in World Farming and was CIWF’s Chief Executive from 1991-2005 was the unanimous

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Day of Creation and CCA Retreat

  September 1st is the day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and I am delighted that Pope Francis has just announced a joint appeal with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I for the world to work together on this special day. Pope Francis said: “we invite everyone

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Good News from Malta

I am delighted to report good news from Malta where a proposed cull of Pigeons has been cancelled after a public campaign supported by CCA and the Catholic Church on the island. The plan had been to culls pigeon in Vittoriosa and this decision had been taken by the Vittoriosa

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CCA/ASWA Award to Kirkham Prison

    It was a great pleasure to take part in the annual CCA/ASWA Award ceremony in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice at Kirkham Prison on Friday. The awards are give every year for the best Prison projects for the environment and animal welfare and all prisons are eligible

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Good News from China

In a world where we get resigned to hearing bad news about the plight of the animal kingdom we have some good news from China today where Chinese ivory factories will close their doors and be shut down by the Chinese Government and all retail outlets will close by the

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Vegan Sporting Prowess

It is great to see how world class sportsmen and women are now demonstrating how a cruelty free diet improves their sporting performance. The latest to attribute a Vegan diet to his ongoing success is 33 year old “veteran” England footballer Jermain Defoe who was recalled to the England team

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Put Animals top for Lent

Lent 2017 begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday ,1st March 2017 and my question for today is what are YOU going to do for this Christian season of fasting, prayer and reflection? I would like to make some suggestions and your response will probably vary depending on your current diet and

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Hands across the Water

I was delighted to meet Dr Bernie Unti during my visit to Humane Society of the Unites States recently. Bernie is the Senior Policy Adviser and Special Assistant to the President and CEO of HSUS and as well as charing the meeting for my presentation with his HSUS colleagues, Bernie

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CCA and Humane Society of the United States

I was delighted to be invited to present to the Humane Society of the United States on the work of CCA during my visit to Washington. HSUS has a long and proud tradition of advocating for and protecting animals throughout the length and breadth of the US for over half

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St Francis Alliance Catholic Retreat

I am delighted to be at the St Francis Alliance: Faithful Voices for Animals Retreat which is taking place this weekend at the San Damiano Spiritual Life Centre in White Post,Virginia which is in the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. The Sr Francis Alliance is a wonderful grouping of Catholic men

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