World Meat Free Day 2016

World Meat Free Day 2016

  World Meat Free Day 2016 takes place on Monday 13th June and Catholic Concern for Animals gives it our full backing and ask all our members and supporters to do likewise and make World Meat Free Day truly that. Humans currently kill over 56 Billion animals a year for

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Too many animals are dying in Zoos

Too many animals are dying in Zoos. The latest innocent animal to be killed in a zoo is Harambe, the western lowland Gorilla pictured above. Harambe was shot dead by zoo officials at Cincinnati zoo and this follows very quickly the horrific incident last week when two lions were shot

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Laudato Si’ Week is Coming

Laudato Si’ week is coming soon and will take place from June12th-June 19th 2016 to commemorate the 1st Anniversary of the publication of the release on June 18th 2015 of Pope Francis’ historical Encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. Catholic Concern for Animals will take part in

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Pope Watch

I am delighted to announce a new section of the CCA Website which is Pope Watch. This is a collection of video clips of Pope Francis engaging and talking about the animal kingdom and can be accessed via a link on the CCA Homepage. Please feel free to e-mail me

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Pope Francis and Companion Animals

There has been much media attention with regard to recent comments by Pope Francis to a recent Jubilee of Mercy audience in Vatican City. Unfortunate misinterpretation(either deliberate or accidental) has occurred in certain media outlets to give the impression that Pope Francis has somehow criticised the care of companion animals-THIS

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30 Days Wild

I am delighted to see that the Wildlife Trusts are promoting their 30 days Wild events for June 2016. The Wildlife Trusts do a fantastic job all over the UK and CCA are delighted to help promote this fantastic summer initiative. More information and details of how to take part

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Time to end Horse Racing Now

Today has seen the start of the Cheltenham Festival, the so called “showpiece” of the National Hunt Racing season. THREE horses died today at the Festival and this brings a total of nearly 30 horses who have died in racing this year of 2016 alone and horses are being killed

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CCA has been working for many years educating about the misuse of Greyhounds and supporting those organisations who care for and re home ill-treated dogs. We have long understood that Greyhounds are often viewed as a commercial asset by those involved in the UK Greyhound racing industry and therefore it

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Big Garden Bird Watch

This weekend has been the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Bird Watch and it seems to have been a huge success. It appears that nearly 150,000 people have given up an hour or so of their time to spot birds in their back gardens and a huge amount of birds have

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Use of Bear Fur-British Military

  CCA likes to work with and support animal welfare friendly MP’s at Westminster and we were very grateful to all the MP’s who worked last summer to stop the re-introduction of Hunting with Hounds last summer. It was very interesting to see that Alex Cunningham MP has been working

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