
CCA Welcomes UK Ivory Ban Consultation

  CCA is pleased to welcomes the decision of the UK Government to open consultation on a total ban of Ivory Sales in the UK. CCA has been campaigning on this issue for a long time and has recently had numerous articles published in the Catholic press and elsewhere on

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Who not What

I am currently attending the superb Compassion for World Farming (CIWF) Conference in London entitled Extinction and Livestock. One of the major themes of the Conference is how 21st Century industrial farming(amongst it’s other horrors) is also destroying natural habitats by growing feed products for factory farmed animals and this

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African Elephant Crisis Update

The crisis facing the African Elephant is unfortunately not improving and CCA have been working with partner Animal Welfare organisations on trying to end the horrendous Ivory Trade for many years. I was therefore delighted to support our colleagues at IFAW by representing CCA at a launch of a new

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