CCA Joins Coalition to Demand a Better Deal for Animals After Brexit

CCA Joins Coalition to Demand a Better Deal for Animals After Brexit

CCA were one of 36 animal welfare organisations attending a Parliamentary Reception on 27th February to call on the government for a better deal for animals after Brexit. Please sign the petition Michael Gove today addressed a Parliamentary reception calling for a #BetterDealForAnimals after Brexit but failed to introduce legislation

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Wim Dekok on ‘The History of World Animal Day’

CCA were honoured to host international animal advocate Wim Dekok who spoke about ‘The History of World Animal Day’ at the CCA AGM held at the Brompton Oratory, Kensington on Saturday 17th November 2018. Wim is the Co-founder and President of World Animal Net, based in Boston, USA. He is

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Hundreds Attend the ASWA Memorial Service for Animals

Hundreds attended the War Memorial Service for Animals, organised by the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA) at the Animals in War Memorial in London’s Park Lane on Sunday 11th November 2018 at 3.00pm. The service was led by Rev. Helen Hall. Many wreaths were laid including those

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Do Fish Feel Pain? – Podcast by Dr Lynne Sneddon

  Fish are complex beings. The evidence is piling up that not only are fish sentient, they also feel pain and are able to carry out complex tasks. What are some of the problems with aquaculture from an animal rights perspective? Why is CO2 stunning, a common stunning method still

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Autumn 2018 Ark – Out Now!

The Autumn 2018 Ark is out now and can be downloaded here: Ark – Autumn 2018 – 240 It includes: ‘Urgent Action on Climate Change Needed’ by Bishop John Arnold, including moving more to a plant based diet. Talks from the CCA Summer Conference Animal Advocacy in the Era of

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CCA Ecumenical Animal Welfare Retreat 2018

The 2018 CCA Ecumenical Retreat was held at Hinsley Hall in Leeds from Monday 10th to Thursday 13th September. As well as masses and thoughtful liturgies and prayers which focused on the animal creation, there were a number thought-provoking speakers. Dr Deborah Jones spoke about ‘Faith Food’ explaining what foods

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CCA – World Animal Day Event

Thursday 4th October (Feast of St Francis of Assisi) Mass offered in thanksgiving for past and present benefactors of CCA at Brompton Oratory, Kensington, London – 12.30pm. All Welcome!  

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