CCA and COVID-19

CCA and COVID-19

We are now living in a time of unprecedented crisis and emergency due to the Coronavirus known as Covid-19. This virus is affecting all of us as individuals due to the serious threat to our health wherever we live in the world but it also affects CCA as an organisation.

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In Memory of CCA Chair Emeritus, Dr Edward P. Echlin

Catholic Concern for Animals is extremely sad to hear of the passing of our great friend and Chair Emeritus, Dr Edward Echlin who entered into eternal life on 23rd December 2019, aged 89.  He contributed many thoughtful and inspiring articles to The Ark, indeed he wrote the lead article in

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CCA Awards Champions of Animal Welfare

CCA presented its annual awards at the Rembrandt Hotel, Kensington on 2nd November 2019. The awards honour exceptional individuals whose work and life choices have made outstanding contributions towards improving animals’ welfare and status in society. The St Francis Award, which recognises individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping

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CCA wspiera sieć dla zwierząt petycja do kończenia walki koni

Sieć dla zwierząt potrzebują Twojej pomocy, aby zakończyć brutalne Krwawy Sport zorganizowanej walki koni w południowych Filipinach. Dźwięk doping pogłosu przez arenę, z tłumu składa się z hazardzistów, urzędników wybieranych, gangsterów, rodzin, nawet małych dzieci. W każdej walce dwa piękne ogiery są do walki brutalnie nad biedną klaczą, paradował przed

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