
CCA Pays Tribute to Patron, Bruce Kent

Catholic Concern for Animals is vey sad to hear about the death of its Patron, Bruce Kent. He died on 8th June 2022 at the age of 92 following a short illness. Bruce was ordained as a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Westminster and served as secretary to Cardinal

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Paper on Principles of Animal-Centered Research

Prof. Clara Mancini is Chair of Trustees of CCA. Here is her academic paper on the principles of animal-centered research.The present work addresses the ethical and procedural implications of considering animals as active participants in research, capable of consenting or dissenting to experimental procedures, and as stakeholders in the research

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Historic Animal Welfare Resolution adopted by the United Nations

CCA is delighted to be in Nairobi, Kenya at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) which is taking historic decisions for global Animal Welfare. Chief Executive Chris Fegan said “This is a truly breakthrough event where we are seeing the UN adopt an Animal Welfare Resolution for the first time ever in its history and which

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CCA Campaign to End Bull Torture

In 1567 Pope Saint Pius V banned ‘exhibitions where bulls and wild beasts are baited’ in his De Salute Gregis.  He said that ‘these bloody and disreputable exhibitions of devils rather than men’ were ‘contrary to Christian duty and charity’ and should be abolished. Furthermore, anyone who meets their death

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CCA St Francis & St Hubert Awards 2021

CCA’s St Francis and St Hubert Awards were presented to Juliet Gellatley  and Randal Plunkett by CCA Chair, Prof. Clara Mancini at an awards ceremony held on Saturday 6th November 2021 at the Rembrandt Hotel in Kensington, London.  The St Francis Award recognises individuals who have dedicated their lives to

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The Meaning of Dominion by Dr Gerald Taylor

Gerald Taylor is CCA’s Membership and Donor Manager.  He is a former lecturer and researcher in Politics and Government and has worked at La Sainte Union College, Southampton and the University of Glamorgan. He has been active in local political and social groups and has created non-profit organisations to improve

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