
Chair’s Welcome to the Summer 2020 Ark by Dr Clara Mancini

Over the past months, the world has faced unprecedented times. With Covid-19 sweeping through countries around the globe, whole economies have been shut down in a desperate attempt to stop the spread of a virus that, to date, has infected over 8 million people and killed nearly 500 thousand. Businesses

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MONA Primate Rescue Centre by Dietmar Crialsham

Fundación MONA, a safe haven for chimpanzees and macaques in need … a place to educate and raise awareness … a place to learn, improve and gain experience. This is what our NGO strives to be, achieving in the process a better world for primates. Converting people into part of

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Save Korean Dogs by Madeline Warren

Madeline Warren has travelled to South Korea since 2015 to work with the charity Save Korean Dogs. She lives in Scotland and gained an Honours degree in Zoology. In many countries around the world dogs are eaten as food by humans. Media campaigns raising awareness about the dog meat trade

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CEFAW Briefing on the Agriculture Bill

A Christian Case for Farmed Animal Welfare About this briefing Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare (CEFAW) is a three-year research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in partnership with major UK churches and other organizations including Compassion in World Farming. The 2019–21 Agriculture Bill is a

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Demand an End to the Global Wildlife Trade – Sign the Petition

A coalition of animal welfare organisations, co-ordinated by World Animal Protection (WAP), have launched a Campaign to End the Wildlife Trade. Please Sign the Petition Every day, thousands of animals are forced into the multi-billion pound global trade in wildlife – killed for food, harvested for traditional medicine, traded as ‘exotic’ pets

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Prayer Link – Wednesday at 9.30 PM

FOR SPEECHLESS THINGS We meet O God, within this place To supplicate Thee of Thy grace To hear our prayers for speechless things That move on fins and legs and wings Our co-inhabitants on earth Who owe, as we, to Thee their birth. We prayer for just and humane laws

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