All Posts by CCA

Demand an End to the Global Wildlife Trade – Sign the Petition

A coalition of animal welfare organisations, co-ordinated by World Animal Protection (WAP), have launched a Campaign to End the Wildlife Trade. Please Sign the Petition Every day, thousands of animals are forced into the multi-billion pound global trade in wildlife – killed for food, harvested for traditional medicine, traded as ‘exotic’ pets

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Prayer Link – Wednesday at 9.30 PM

FOR SPEECHLESS THINGS We meet O God, within this place To supplicate Thee of Thy grace To hear our prayers for speechless things That move on fins and legs and wings Our co-inhabitants on earth Who owe, as we, to Thee their birth. We prayer for just and humane laws

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Corona Virus and Animal Testing – by Dr Andre Menache

The Coronavirus pandemic called COVID-19 is an important opportunity to reassess the way we do medical research. Faced with this viral tsunami, scientists have not had time to find one or more animal species to serve as a ‘model’ to study this disease in the laboratory. In the case of

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A Meditation for Holy Week and Easter by Fr Martin Henig

This is a strange time, a strange week, and it will continue to be strange for long afterwards. For some it will mark the end of life; for many it will bring suffering to those seriously affected by illness, for the bereaved, for those who find their livelihoods threatened. The

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