Pope Francis and Companion Animals

There has been much media attention with regard to recent comments by Pope Francis to a recent Jubilee of Mercy audience in Vatican City.

Unfortunate misinterpretation(either deliberate or accidental) has occurred in certain media outlets to give the impression that Pope Francis has somehow criticised the care of companion animals-THIS IS NOT THE CASE!!

I would make 2 points in response to this “media storm” as follows:

1) The Pope is saying that we should not treat animals “above”humans, he is not saying anywhere that I have seen that we should treat animals “less” than humans-this is a very significant point. He is indicating that some people treat animals well but do not treat humans well, this is true in some instances and should be discouraged so that people treat all of God’s creation well, both humans and non humans.

2) Pope Francis has written and published Laudato Si only last year,which is the most important and animals friendly document that has probably been ever written by a Pope in support of animals and animal care.

I understand that on occasion comments can easily be misunderstood or confused especially when key words in comments are translated into other languages from the original language in which they are first orally communicated.

I would urge all CCA Members and supporters worldwide to support the great work that Pope Francis is doing for all sentient beings and not to be dismayed by such media “controversies” that are bound to arise from time to time.



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