Tagged as: pope francis

Pope Watch

I am delighted to announce a new section of the CCA Website which is Pope Watch. This is a collection of video clips of Pope Francis engaging and talking about the animal kingdom and can be accessed via a link on the CCA Homepage. Please feel free to e-mail me

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Pope Francis and Companion Animals

There has been much media attention with regard to recent comments by Pope Francis to a recent Jubilee of Mercy audience in Vatican City. Unfortunate misinterpretation(either deliberate or accidental) has occurred in certain media outlets to give the impression that Pope Francis has somehow criticised the care of companion animals-THIS

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CCA Welcomes Pope Francis’ New Encyclical, Laudato Si’

Catholic Concern for Animals warmly welcomes Laudato Si’, as it represents a major paradigm shift in the Catholic Church’s attitude towards the Creation, nature and particularly to the other animals with whom we share this planet. Pope Francis attacks mankind’s ‘tyrannical anthropocentrism’ and highlights the interrelatedness and interconnectedness of all

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