Tagged as: laudato si

Autumn 2018 Ark – Out Now!

The Autumn 2018 Ark is out now and can be downloaded here: Ark – Autumn 2018 – 240 It includes: ‘Urgent Action on Climate Change Needed’ by Bishop John Arnold, including moving more to a plant based diet. Talks from the CCA Summer Conference Animal Advocacy in the Era of

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CCA and Laudato Si in Portsmouth People

    I am delighted that an article on Pope Francis’ Encyclical letter-Laudato Si written by CCA Chair Judy Gibbons has been published in the current edition of “Portsmouth People” which is the Magazine for the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. This is fantastic news and shows the great support of

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CCA Welcomes Pope Francis’ New Encyclical, Laudato Si’

Catholic Concern for Animals warmly welcomes Laudato Si’, as it represents a major paradigm shift in the Catholic Church’s attitude towards the Creation, nature and particularly to the other animals with whom we share this planet. Pope Francis attacks mankind’s ‘tyrannical anthropocentrism’ and highlights the interrelatedness and interconnectedness of all

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