All Posts by CCA

Prayer Link – Wednesday at 9.30 PM

FOR SPEECHLESS THINGS We meet O God, within this place To supplicate Thee of Thy grace To hear our prayers for speechless things That move on fins and legs and wings Our co-inhabitants on earth Who owe, as we, to Thee their birth. We prayer for just and humane laws

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Corona Virus and Animal Testing – by Dr Andre Menache

The Coronavirus pandemic called COVID-19 is an important opportunity to reassess the way we do medical research. Faced with this viral tsunami, scientists have not had time to find one or more animal species to serve as a ‘model’ to study this disease in the laboratory. In the case of

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A Meditation for Holy Week and Easter by Fr Martin Henig

This is a strange time, a strange week, and it will continue to be strange for long afterwards. For some it will mark the end of life; for many it will bring suffering to those seriously affected by illness, for the bereaved, for those who find their livelihoods threatened. The

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Covid-19 – When Will We Heed Nature’s Warnings?

Barbara Gardner is the Chief Executive of the Animal Interfaith Alliance (AIA) which publishes the magazine ‘Animal Spirit’. Barbara wrote this article in the spring 2020 edition of Animal Spirit, asking why the lessons of past pandemics, which all derived from animal abuse, have not been learned. As an interfaith

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CIWF Challenges the World to Rethink Fish

Sophie Peutrill is Compassion in World Farming’s Global Campaign Manager for the Rethink Fish campaign, the campaign to highlight the suffering of trillions of fish each year due to their global consumption by humans. Here Sophie describes their suffering and the campaign to end it. Sophie Peutrill Compassion in World

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