All Posts by admin

CCA wspiera sieć dla zwierząt petycja do kończenia walki koni

Sieć dla zwierząt potrzebują Twojej pomocy, aby zakończyć brutalne Krwawy Sport zorganizowanej walki koni w południowych Filipinach. Dźwięk doping pogłosu przez arenę, z tłumu składa się z hazardzistów, urzędników wybieranych, gangsterów, rodzin, nawet małych dzieci. W każdej walce dwa piękne ogiery są do walki brutalnie nad biedną klaczą, paradował przed

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World Vegan Day 2015

I would like to send a message of congratulation and support for World Vegan Day today and World Vegan month which also starts today to all CCA Members and supporters, vegans and vegetarians and all people who care for the welfare of all our sentient  animals throughout the world. CCA is

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CCA Supports Network for Animals Petition to End Horse Fighting

Network For Animals need your help to end the brutal bloodsport of Organized Horse Fighting in the southern Philippines. The sound of cheering reverberates through the arena, from a crowd made up of gamblers, elected officials, gangsters, families, even small children. In each fight two beautiful stallions are made to fight brutally

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CCA AGM 2015

The Catholic Concern for Animals AGM was held on Saturday 18th October at Brompton Oratory in London. The meeting was preceded by a fascinating talk by CCA’s Scientific Adviser, Dr Richard Ryder which covered many aspects of animal welfare issues but was especially interesting on the subject of meat as

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CCA and Veganism

One of the main approaches that CCA take in the support of the care of all God’s creation is the promotion of an animal cruelty free diet. We promote vegetarian and vegan diets as a mainstay of our work and I have given interviews and talks where this aspect of

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Wonder of the Internet and Laudato Si

I am often surprised and delighted (and sometimes worried) about the wonder of the Internet. The opportunities it gives to communicate with people far way and in real-time is one of the great things of our age, although keeping up to date with the new developments of this technological marvel

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CCA Founder Member of the Animal Interfaith Alliance

CCA is a founder member of the Animal Interfaith Alliance (AIA), whose mission is to create a united voice for animals from all of the world’s faiths and spiritual beliefs, based on their founders’ teachings. Other members include the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA), the Christian Vegetarian

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