About Catholic Concern for Animals


Chris Fegan, CEO at [email protected]


Our Mission is the advancement of Christian respect and responsibility for the animal creation with special reference to Catholic teaching and beliefs.


The charity meets its objective of advancing Christian respect and responsibility for the animal creation through education and advocacy, both digitally and through face to face contact. Digitally, CCA promotes its work through its website and social media outreach, including the production of a regular newsletter and the members’ magazine The Ark, which is now issued twice a year. The Chief Executive promotes the work of the charity by engaging with other organisations to end animal cruelty. The charity also supports animal rescues through its Global Animal Rescue Fund.

Public Benefit

The charity provides a public benefit by producing educational material and giving talks on the empathetic treatment of animals, based on the teachings of the Catholic Church, which gives a moral benefit to the human community.


The charity has a high impact by informing and educating on the issues of Animal Advocacy among the Catholic world population at all levels, from the Vatican as the Catholic Church’s highest institution to individual Catholics throughout the world. The Charity also works very closely with other Animal Advocacy organisations and individuals worldwide.


We receive no public funding and rely entirely on the compassion and generosity of our supporters to be able to continue our work. If you would like to support us, you can do so by making a donation, becoming a member or leaving a legacy (see above).


CCA is a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) accredited organisation and a member of UNEP’s Faith for Earth Coalition.  CCA is a member of Eurogroup for Animals, the World Federation for Animals and the Animal Interfaith Alliance